Overcoming Bias: A Black Woman’s Resilient Journey in Tech Engineering with Anika Gersbeck

For Black women like Anika Gersbeck, a senior software engineer with over two decades of experience, the road to success is paved with obstacles – systemic biases, microaggressions, and the constant need to prove one’s worth. In this candid podcast episode, Anika bravely shares her story, offering a raw and eye-opening perspective on navigating the tech industry as a Black woman.

The Invisible Architect:

Challenging Misconceptions From the outset, Anika challenges the common misconception that engineers are mere implementers, executing solutions developed by others in a “closed-door room.” She emphasizes the importance of involving engineers early on as architects, fostering a collaborative dialogue with stakeholders to ensure the best outcomes.

“If you go to a contractor, the contractor is going to basically get the information from you about exactly what to build. And then, you know, maybe that’ll be a great solution. It may not be. And based on my experience, it’s better to have that relationship with the expert who knows the references that you’re using, your budget, and the technology that would be required.”

The Residue of Historical Power Dynamics

Despite her expertise, Anika finds herself often treated as an implementer rather than an architect, her bold ideas and critiques dismissed as “troublemaking” or being “difficult.” She attributes this disconnect, in part, to the residual effects of historical power dynamics and biases that linger in the workplace and society.

“I think that it is part of this historical context that we are all in worldwide, but especially here in the United States for me, especially for me because of my ancestry and the people who are in my context, my teams, my organizations that I’m working within. We’re all in this context, and it’s not even just work, it’s just life.”

The “Angry Black Woman” Trope

One particularly insidious stereotype Anika grapples with is the “angry Black woman” trope. She explains, “If you are considering yourself to be on equal footing with your peers and giving your opinion and working professionally and being powerful in your role, that gets twisted into, ‘oh, you’re angry.'” This perception undermines her expertise and takes an emotional toll, forcing her to validate her professionalism constantly.

A Call for Intentional Change

While Anika acknowledges the efforts of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives, she highlights the lack of incentives for companies to address systemic biases and microaggressions truly. “There’s no incentive, unfortunately,” she notes, expressing a desire for more actionable tools and resources to drive meaningful change.

Empowering Advice for Women in Tech

Despite the challenges, Anika remains resilient, offering empowering advice for women, especially women of color, in the tech industry:

  1. Prioritize self-care: “Your time is your own, and you find the area of the activity that you find what feeds you and do that.”
  2. Build a supportive network: “Find your panel of allies, your sponsors, the people who will see you and connect you to your work and will advocate for you when you’re not there.”
  3. Consider entrepreneurship: “I’m hoping to move more in an entrepreneurial direction, because then I get to define my own context.”

The Power of Sponsorship

Anika firmly believes in the transformative power of sponsorship, urging individuals to “sponsor someone” who has made a significant impact or contribution. “Sponsorship is so important, and everybody could be a sponsor,” she emphasizes, underscoring the need for active allyship and amplification of underrepresented voices.

A Resilient Voice for Change

Through her powerful narrative, Anika Gersbeck emerges as a resilient voice for change in the tech industry. Her experiences serve as a wake-up call for companies to foster truly inclusive environments where diverse talents are not only welcomed but celebrated for their unique perspectives and contributions.

As Anika continues her journey, her message resonates clearly: it’s time to dismantle the barriers, confront the biases, and pave the way for a more equitable future in tech – one where Black women and other underrepresented groups can thrive, not just as implementers, but as architects shaping the very fabric of innovation.

Listen to the full episode on my Podcast!

About Anika:

Anika Gersbeck is a seasoned software engineer with over two decades of experience in the tech industry. As a senior software engineer, she has mastered the art of turning complex problems into innovative solutions. Anika is passionate about the role of architecture in software development, advocating for proactive involvement in the planning stages to ensure projects meet their full potential. Her career is a testament to her commitment to diversity and empowerment within the tech community. 

Connect with Anika and follow her journey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anikagersbeck/
